Emergency Dental

Your Experienced Emergency Dentist in Anchorage, AK

Are you or a loved one experiencing a dental emergency? Our team at Coho Dental can help.

Have a toothache? We can help!

Dr. Holt prioritizes helping people in pain with same day emergency appointments. Whether you are new to our office or a current patient, we will take care of your concerns in a timely manner. Getting patients out of pain and back on the road to a healthy mouth is one of the most rewarding things we enjoy doing.

Call today to consult with Dr. Holt about your treatment needs in an emergency situation

A dental office with a red chair in the middle of the room.

What should I do if I knock out a tooth?

Appropriate handling and a quick response time are critical to the success of saving a knocked-out (avulsed) tooth. If you have accidentally knocked out a permanent tooth, carefully pick up the tooth by the crown (chewing portion; try not to touch the root) and gently rinse any dirt off. Do not scrape the tooth root even if there appears to be a plaque on it.

Carefully ensure the orientation of the tooth is correct and reinsert it into the socket. If the tooth cannot be reinserted into the socket, place it in a cup of milk or saliva to help keep it alive. Call the office and inform us that you are on your way. Dr. Holt will assess the situation and do everything he can to stabilize the tooth and allow it to heal.

Should I see an emergency dentist or visit the ER?

It’s fairly common for patients to visit their nearest emergency room when a dental emergency arises such as a dental infection or abscess. However, most emergency rooms are not equipped to handle dental-related emergencies and can only offer antibiotics, pain relief, and a referral to an experienced emergency dentist.

Any situation that involves the teeth, gums, or mouth should be assessed by a dental professional, with the exception of broken jaws. If you have bodily injuries that are more time-sensitive, call 911 or visit the ER before coming to our office to address your dental needs.

You can reach Dr. Holt directly at this number after hours:

Emergency Dental at Coho dental

Your Experienced Emergency Dentist in Anchorage, AK

Are you or a loved one experiencing a dental emergency? Our team at Coho Dental can help.

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